Saturday, August 8, 2009

25 secrets to a happy marriage

I saw this on AOL & wanted to share with you all. This is the 25 secrets to having a happy marriage.

1. Compliment more. Criticize less.

2. No matter how busy you are, always make time for just the two of you.

3. Never assume.

4. Evenly divide the housework and spending money.

5. Every couple fights. Don't sweat that. What matters is how you fight.

6. Respect each other's privacy. No snooping!

7. Share.

8. Surprise your spouse occasionally.

9. Say "I love you." A lot.

10. Hold hands, hug and kiss every day.

11. Love isn't always a feeling. After you have been married for a number of years, love can often be a decision.

12. Say "I'm sorry." (And mean it.)

13. Don't keep secrets from each other.

14. Support one another. Be the first one to stand up and take the other's side.

15. Laugh often.

16. Don't compare your marriage to other marriages.

17. When you're fighting or angry, don't say these words: "never," "always" and any curse word.

18. Fight boredom by doing something fun together. For example, write a "bucket list" and then do those things.

19. Spice it up! Make love in different places and positions.

20. Talk to each other. And when it's your turn to listen, really listen.

21. Be committed to your marriage. Ban the word "divorce" from your vocabulary. And don't even think about an affair.

22. Create your own rituals and traditions.

23. Brag about your spouse.

24. Be kind.

25. As Aretha Franklin sang, always R-E-S-P-E-C-T each other.

(Sources: CNN, Redbook,,

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